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Kotaki-Choukurairo Dance

Location: Kotaki, Nikaho City
Site(s) of performance: Kinpō Shrine
Date(s): 2nd Saturday of June (day of Kinpō Shrine’s annual festival)
Designation: State-Designated Important Intangible Folkloric Cultural Property
Category: Ennen
The government designated Kotaki-Choukurairo Dance an important intangible cultural property in 2004. It is a dance of Ennen, performed every year at the annual festival of Kinpō Shrine. An earthen stage called ‘Choukurairo Hill’ is set up in the premises of the shrine and Kotaki-Choukurairo Dance can be danced only there. Its origin goes back to year 857 when Priest Jikaku defeated evil demons upon the order of Emperor Montoku and held a Hakkō festival to express his gratitude to the gods. Choukurairo Dance was danced then. This dance symbolizes longevity and delivers benediction.

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