Honkai Shishimai-Bangaku (Hirane-kōchū)
Location: Hirane, Kami-Kawauchi, Chōkai-machi, Yuri-Honjo City Site(s) of performance: Hachiman Shrine and other places in the community Date(s): May 15 and August 15 Designation: State-Designated
Location: Hirane, Kami-Kawauchi, Chōkai-machi, Yuri-Honjo City Site(s) of performance: Hachiman Shrine and other places in the community Date(s): May 15 and August 15 Designation: State-Designated
Location: Shimo-Abukawa, Iitagawa, Katagami City Site(s) of performance: Shimo-Abukawa and the open space in front of the Iitagawa Office of Katagami City Date(s): May 5
Location: Shitadai, Kyowa-Sakai, Daisen City Site(s) of performance: Karamatsu Shrine and other places in the community Date(s): May 3 (the day of annual festival of
Location: Ishiwaki, Yurihonjo City Site(s) of performance: Shinzan Shrine and the community hall Date(s): 3rd Sunday of January and May 2 and 3 Category: Furyū
Location: Ishiwaki, Yurihonjo City Site(s) of performance: Shinzan Shrine and other places in the community Date(s): May 2 and 3 Designation: City-Designated Intangible Folkloric Cultural
Location: Kotaki, Kisakata-machi, Nikaho City Site(s) of performance: Kinpō Shrine and other places in the community Date(s): 2nd Saturday of June (the day of Kinpō
Location: Akinomiya, Yuzawa City Site(s) of performance: Yakunai Hall and other places in the community Date(s): Saturday and Sunday closest to the 210th day from
Location: Kawai, Kita-Akita City Site(s) of performance: Various places in the community Date(s): August 13 Designation: City-Designated Intangible Folkloric Cultural Property Category: Sasara and Horse
Location: Nishinosawa, Osarizawa, Kazuno City Site(s) of performance: Hachiman Shrine Date(s): May 5 and September 15 (the day of the annual festival of the shrine)
Location: Nakamura, Babame, Gojome Town Site(s) of performance: Gojōme Shinmei Shrine Date(s): 3rd Saturday of May (Gojome Bangaku Performance Event at the annual festival of