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Shinsawa Bangaku at Shinsawa Hachiman Shrine

Location: Shinsawa, Yurihonjo City
Site(s) of performance: Hachiman Shrine and other places in the community
Date(s): August 14 and 2nd Saturday of September
Category: Shishimai and Bangaku
There is a record dated September 1843 that the shishimai-bangaku here was performed in front of the lord of Kameda Domain and very much pleased him. It is thus believed that the beginning of the shishimai-bangaku here precedes that date. It was later taught to the communities of Kuzuoka (in the former Ouchi Town) and Okurazawa (also in the former Ouchi Town). The community of Shinsawa has three lion heads. According to legends, the largest was once held in Kannondō Temple, but it became restless and moved around with violence, so people decided to move it to Hachiman Shrine. The lions visit houses in the community to repel evil spirits. A marching music is played while the lions are going around, but it is the rule to stop the drum when entering each house.

About Shishimai and Bangaku