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Takanashi Shrine Orthodox Kagura

Location: Shinzan, Hotta, Daisen City
Site(s) of performance: Takanashi Shrine
Date(s): August 19 and 20 (the days of annual festival of Takanashi Shrine)
Designation: City-Designated Intangible Folkloric Cultural Property
Category: Miko-Kagura and Yudate-Kagura
This kagura is performed as an offering every year at the annual festival of Takanashi Shrine. This kagura is of pure Shinto kagura style and is said to be derived from the November Kagura of Horoshibetsu Shrine at Mt. Horowa. The performance at this shrine started at the beginning of the Showa era (1926–1989). The dance is performed by priests and shrine maidens. Music is also performed by priests and shrine maidens with big drums, long drums, Japanese flutes, hand drums, and hand cymbals.

About Miko-Kagura and Yudate-Kagura