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Honkai Shishimai-Bangaku (Shimo-Momoyake-kōchū)

Location: Momoyake, Chōkai-machi, Yuri-Honjo City
Site(s) of performance: The space in front of the Kōbō Cave, the community hall, and other places in the community
Date(s): January 16, August 15 and 20, and mid-September (no longer practiced at the time of survey in fiscal year 2011)
Designation: State-Designated Non-Tangible Folkloric Cultural Property
Category: Shishimai and Bangaku
The name of Honkai Bangaku comes from the name of the priest Honkai, a shugen (Buddhist ascetic) of the 17th century who belonged to a temple affiliated with Sampō-in in Kyoto in the Daigo Temple group. He taught bangaku in the villages in the distant parts of the Chōkai area and died in Arasawa (in the former Yashima Town). Honkai Bangaku consists of shishimai (lion dances) and bangaku with some religious (shugendo) gestures. Dancers and musicians take part in the performance. The script includes 23 numbers.

About Shishimai and Bangaku