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Hirokunai Sasara

Location: Hirokunai, Kakunodate-machi, Semboku City
Site(s) of performance: Gosha Shrine, Inari Shrine, and other places in the community
Date(s): August 7, 13-15, 17, and 18
Designation: City-Designated Intangible Folkloric Cultural Property
Category: Sasara and Horse Dance
The origin of the Hirokunai Sasara is unclear. It might have derived from the lion dance of the followers of Lord Satake, who was moved from Hitachi-Ōta (present-day Ibaraki Prefecture) to Akita in 1602. It might also have derived from the lion dance of Nambu Domain (present-day Iwate Prefecture). A record that is kept in the Sato family, ‘The Origin of Sasara’ (undated) tells that it was influenced by the lion dance of the Kantō region.

About Sasara and Horse Dance (Koma-Odori)