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Nekko Bangaku

Location: Ani-Nekko, Kita-Akita City
Site(s) of performance: Ani Civic Hall Nekko Annex
Date(s): August 14
Category: Shishimai and Bangaku
Designation: State-Designated Important Intangible Folkloric Cultural PropertyAccording to the legend, Nekko Bangaku was brought here by the losers of the
Battle of Gempei in the late 12th century. Nekko Bangaku has a script of excellent quality as literature. It is also remarkable that its dance style reflects the ancient dance preceding the Kōwaka dance, which later becomes the basis of Nōgaku. The dance of Nekko Bangaku today includes a lively Sōshi Dance (strongmen’s dance) and quiet classical numbers. Among the variety of ascetic kagura in the Tohoku region, Nekko Bangaku has one of the most secure scripts and traditions. Music is played by drums, clapping boards, hand gongs, Japanese flutes, trumpet shells, and songs.

About Shishimai and Bangaku